Catering, Banquet Facilities, Funeral Luncheons and More
When you need to organize an event, we know how important food and location are. If you are planning wedding rehearsals, funeral luncheons, birthdays, business parties, or any other banquets or events, you can expect the absolute best food and customer service when you choose Gatto’s Restaurant and Bar. Our staff will help you to plan your event as well as offer multiple options for Italian food to customize your menu to meet the needs of your party.
Whether you are having a small get together, or you are planning a large event, our catering experts can help you to provide your guests with unforgettable Italian food and more.
Our Story
Whether you are celebrating a special occasion with loved ones, enjoying our spacious and comfortable banquet facilities, or are planning funeral luncheons, you can expect to have a truly memorable experience. All of our Italian food is prepared according to traditional family recipes by our experienced chefs and beautifully plated. We know that once you have tasted our cuisine, you will quickly count Gatto’s Restaurant and Bar among your favorite Italian Restaurants.